Sunday 10 May 2009

With this being only the second time we had really used the cameras, we were still quite knew to the idea, although whereas the preliminary excercise was must getting a basic understanding of how to work the camera, this exchange was more of an experiment. It got us playing around with what sorts of shots we could use, and what worked well with what and so on. For example in the preliminary excercise we used just close-up's, mid-shot's, and over-the-shoulder shots. In this peice you used a much wider variety, such as, long-shot's, mid-shot's, high/low angle shots, point-of-veiw shot's, dutch tilt's. And these were all things that we had never experimented with before, but obviously due to this there were a few problems we had to solve, mostly still trying to get the hang of continuity, and the time of the shots. The shot where the tape is actually exchanged between the two characters was a dificult shot to obtain, with the camera being zoomed in so far, from so far away, it was difficult to get the two actors to be walking at the same speed and to meet in the same place, and we had to get it all in the centre of the frame, it took us several shots but we did it. Also another very valuable lesson we learnt whilst filming off location, was always to bring to spare battery's and check all of your equipment before leaving for the shoot. As we had a few problems when the camera ran out of battery on the last shot, luckily there wasnt much involved, and we just met up a few days later and got the shot. Though if this was a much bigger production there would have been serious issues with getting the props, the actors, the costumes, the location, the equipment and everything would have to have been all arranged again, just for one shot.

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